Sideslip Single Plate
Side Slip Single Plate KCH-18 adalah Alat Uji Kincup Roda untuk memeriksa dengan rentang ±20 m/km kelurusan roda gandar antara camber/caster dan toe-in/toe-out saat kendaraan dikemudikan dalam arah lurus. Pelat destressing menjamin pengukuran yang benar dan akurat.

Plat kincup roda atau plate sidelip tester kendaraan digunakan untuk mendeteksi ukuran dan arah selip roda dengan menggunakan gerakan kiri dan kanan pelat geser selama penggerak garis lurus roda depan kendaraan bermotor dan menilai apakah memenuhi syarat atau tidak.
Features Manual :
- Equipped with integrated structure, multi-roller support mechanism, dustproof and maintenance-free.
- Equipped with micro-processing high-precision displacement sensors, fully intelligent instruments, good reliability, easy operation and maintenance.
- Equipped with upper and lower bearing support mechanism, smooth sliding, equipped with bearing guide, roller support structure, small friction and free sliding.
- With analog/digital signal output interface, it is convenient to use in automatic detection system.
- Single slide structure, to meet a variety of testing requirements.
- It is optional to install a quick reset device, double front axle steering vehicle inspection, which meets the requirements of GB38900-2020 for comprehensive inspection equipment.
- Sideslip Plate & Protection Frame integrated structure.
- Sideslip plate locker with inner key.
- Maintenance-free body design.
- Galvanized plate surface for longer service life.
- High precision sensor to ensure the exactitude of result.
- Upper and lower Dual Bearing System makes smooth movement.
- Options of synchronic or independent motion type for different regulation requirements.
- Over-value alarm function.
Accessories Option:
- 1 pcs Computerize
- 1 pcs Software
- 1 pcs Communication desk
- Standard: GB38900-2020.
- Pendukung: LED panel display
- PC Cabinet & Software (option)

Spesification :
- Maximum Axle Load: 18.000kg
- Measurment Range: ±20m/km
- Board Dimensions: 750 x 1000mm
- Structure form: Single Plate
- Interface: RS232
- Power Supply: AC 220V, 50Hz, ground